F Series
Filtered Sub-Ambient Circulation Bath for BOE Applications
The F SERIES sub-ambient filtered etch bath is our time-tested solution to providing continuous filtration while reducing acid consumption in your BOE (Buffered Oxide Etch) or positive resist development processes. A low cost of ownership has been engineered into every detail of our filter etch bath, making it one of our most consistent performers.
Our F-SERIES will significantly reduce acid consumption while providing continuous 10.0 to 0.2 micron filtration for reduced particulate count & improved yields. The two basic models available are the L & H version, which are constructed of natural polypropylene & polyvinyldilene fluoride (P.V.D.F ) & will operate in the 10-60ºC range respectively. Both models will maintain precise ± 1ºC control; 0.4ºC under certain conditions. The use of our F SERIES in your BOE process will dramatically reduce acid consumption. Connection our F SERIES with our RCe heat/chiller give your BOE the sub-ambient control required. Several sizes are available which will accommodate from 1 ea. 4” up to 2ea. 6” cassettes. Numerous available options will enable you to order an F SERIES to fill your process requirements.
Contact us if you need more information about using our Sub-Ambient Baths for your BOE or positive resist develop processes.