
Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

Free Standing IPA Vapor Dryer Improves Wafer Processing


When a series of semiconductor manufacturing steps are complete, the silicon wafers have to be rinsed and dried. At this stage in the fabrication process, the surface of the silicon wafer has to be as free as possible from particle contamination wafer and free from water marks caused by the water evaporating on the wafer. […]

How Quick Dump Rinsers Improve Silicon Wet Etching Processes


When silicon wafers in a wet etching process need rinsing, quick dump rinsers provide fast and effective rinsing of chemicals and particles. In semiconductor fabrication lines such as those of semiconductor manufacturers and research labs, silicon wafers are etched with chemicals. Once the required structures and current paths have been etched into the silicon, the chemicals have […]

How Quartz Tanks Improve Wafer Manufacturing


The aggressive chemicals used in wet process wafer manufacturing have to be contained in process tanks that can resist etching and corrosion while remaining inert. Depending on the application, a process may require heating, filtration or the regular addition of chemicals. Quartz tanks from Modutek are made from semiconductor grade flame-polished quartz and are impervious […]

How Megasonic Cleaning Improves Silicon Wafer Manufacturing Results


Traditional silicon wafer cleaning uses aggressive chemicals to strip wafers and remove particles during semiconductor manufacturing. As semiconductor components such as processors, switches and memory chips become more tightly packed, removing all traces of contamination on the wafer surface becomes important for the production of high quality components and the reduction of component failure rates. […]