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How Quick Dump Rinsers Improve Silicon Wet Etching Processes



How Quick Dump Rinsers Improve Silicon Wet Etching ProcessesWhen silicon wafers in a wet etching process need rinsing, quick dump rinsers provide fast and effective rinsing of chemicals and particles. In semiconductor fabrication lines such as those of semiconductor manufacturers and research labs, silicon wafers are etched with chemicals. Once the required structures and current paths have been etched into the silicon, the chemicals have to be rinsed off to prevent continued etching. Modutek’s quick dump rinser uses de-ionized water to wash away all traces of chemicals while introducing no new sources of particle contamination. When rinsing is complete, the quick dump rinser drains rapidly. It combines excellent rinsing performance with fast processing and reduced particle counts.

What Makes a Quick Dump Rinser is Efficient and Effective?

Modutek has applied state-of-the-art engineering techniques to design a quick dump rinser that reduces de-ionized water consumption while featuring a short rinsing time and particle reduction. The large trap door and the contoured rinsing vessel shorten dump times and promote laminar flow to rinse away contaminants. The machined dump door has no seals or gaskets that could entrap particles and the smooth polypropylene construction of the tank ensures that it is not a source of new particle contamination.

When the silicon wafers are placed in the rinser, de-ionized water jets rinse the chemicals from the wafer surfaces. The tank fills, bringing the rinsed contaminants to the surface where they leave the tank through the overflow weir. A nitrogen bubbler generates gas bubbles that rise through the water, removing additional contaminants and particles. At the end of the rinse cycle, the trap door at the bottom of the tank opens to quickly drain the water. The whole process is fast and rinsing is complete without added contamination.

Quick Dump Rinsers Provide Substantial Benefits

The use of quick dump rinsers can improve production line performance and output quality. Modutek has designed its quick dump rinser to address wet process manufacturing concerns, including water use, rinsing effectiveness, particle counts and timing. When quick dump rinsers work rapidly, effectively removing chemicals and particles, throughput can increase and the product rejection rate can go down.

Fast rinsing reduces de-ionized water use. Modutek’s 360-degree overflow weir lets contaminated water exit the tank easily and reduces particle entrapment. Dual overhead spray manifolds and low misting nozzles improve rinsing performance with an even distribution of the spray. The nitrogen gas bubbler and tank design promote an even flow around the wafers and the large dump door drains the tank completely in seconds.

Key benefits include reduced costs, fewer product defects and faster production line operation. Reduced de-ionized water use lowers costs and an optional reclaim system can result in additional savings.

The tight packing of semiconductor structures and their decreasing size makes the process more and more sensitive to particle contamination. Even the tiniest particle can cause defects in the final product. Modutek’s quick dump rinser is designed to reduce particle counts and the product failure rate can decrease as a result.

Rinsing is required after many of the wet process production steps and any time saved with a quick dump rinser is multiplied by the number of times rinsing takes place in the semiconductor fabrication production line. The Modutek quick dump rinser delivers these benefits by addressing overall semiconductor manufacturing requirements.

Modutek Works to Improve the Silicon Wet Etching Process for Customers

In addition to quick dump rinsers, Modutek is committed to helping its customers with standard and custom silicon wet etching equipment. The company’s complete wet process product line includes quartz tanks, Teflon tanks and silicon nitride etch baths. Modutek offers free consultation and can ensure that the delivered systems fulfill the needs of its customers.

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