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Why Chemical Collection Carts are Needed for Chemical Handling


When high-volume chemical delivery systems are not needed because of small production volumes, chemical collection carts can provide safe chemical handling. Also known as chemical delivery carts or chemical pump carts depending on their role, these chemical carts can safely deliver chemicals to the process and remove them for disposal. Safe handling of aggressive chemicals […]

How On-Site Acid Neutralization Systems Provide Safe Chemical Disposal


When the right acid neutralization system is chosen, it can automatically add the required neutralizing chemicals to acid waste left over after a semiconductor manufacturing process step. Ideally such a system should use the least amount of chemicals while ensuring adequate neutralization of waste to comply with environmental standards. The system has to have enough […]

Using Acid Fume Scrubbers to Maintain a Clean Work Environment


When semiconductor manufacturing process steps include etching or cleaning with acids, the process station exhaust can be harmful. Acid droplets in the discharge air can create health risks for workers and can corrode equipment. Worker safety standards and more stringent environmental regulations may set limits on the permissible acid droplet concentration. To address these issues, […]

How Chemical Carts Provide Safe Handling and Disposal of Chemicals


Chemical handling equipment is an important part of a semiconductor manufacturing operation because the aggressive chemicals used in etching and cleaning semiconductor wafers have to be stored, delivered to the process, and disposed of safely. Chemical carts, also referred to as chemical pump carts or chemical collection carts, are a convenient way to remove waste […]

Selecting Chemical Handling Equipment for Solvents and Acids


When chemicals are used in a manufacturing process, chemical handling systems are critical for accurate chemical delivery to the process equipment and the safe disposal of the chemical waste. Effective chemical handling systems are especially important for solvents and acids because of the corrosive nature and the dangers of unsafe handling of these chemicals. Finding […]

Systems That Support Chemical Delivery and Disposal Requirements


When corrosive chemicals are used by manufacturers and research centers, they have to be stored safely, delivered to the process in precise quantities and neutralized prior to disposal. Chemical delivery systems that manage the use and disposal of chemicals have to be designed for high reliability and for compliance with local environmental regulations. Even for chemicals that […]

How Chemical Carts Support Chemical Disposal


When difficulties associated with chemical disposal and regulatory compliance increase, it’s time to think about either removing used chemicals for off-site disposal or using dedicated equipment for disposal according to official guidelines. Chemical carts can be rolled over to process stations and can pump used chemicals from the process tanks to a container on the cart. The […]

Choosing an Acid Neutralization System to Safely Handle Chemical Disposal


Wet process semiconductor manufacturing lines use aggressive chemicals to clean and etch silicon wafers. When a cleaning or etching step is complete, the remaining chemicals have to be disposed of safely. Low pH acids such as hydrochloric acid have to be neutralized with high pH chemicals so that the pH of the mixture approaches the […]

Chemical Delivery Systems Designed to Meet Facility Requirements


Different semiconductor manufacturing facilities or other users of chemicals have varying needs. The chemical delivery requirements of large chip producers differ from those of small fabricators, custom shops or research facilities. Chemical delivery system capacity, equipment layout, the number of different chemicals and the specifications for quality, accuracy and quantity may all vary, depending on […]

Selecting the Right Acid Neutralization System for Your Application


Acid neutralization systems treat the effluent from semiconductor wet process fabrication facilities and other industrial processes to make it safe for release into the environment. The right system for an application will add alkaline chemicals to the acidic solution and raise the pH close to the neutral level of 7 while recording process data to […]