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Selecting Chemical Handling Equipment for Solvents and Acids



When chemicals are used in a manufacturing process, chemical handling systems are Selecting Chemical Handling Equipment for Solvents and Acidscritical for accurate chemical delivery to the process equipment and the safe disposal of the chemical waste. Effective chemical handling systems are especially important for solvents and acids because of the corrosive nature and the dangers of unsafe handling of these chemicals. Finding the right chemical handling system for a manufacturing facility is often challenging because the applicable regulations have to be followed and worker safety has to be guaranteed. A competent manufacturer with extensive experience in chemical handling and a proven track record in chemical handling equipment can advise customers of the most appropriate system for their specific application.

Chemical Handling Equipment Functions and Features

Chemical handling equipment ensures the safe acquisition, use and disposal of hazardous chemicals used in manufacturing. Essential functions include the following:

  • Delivery: Chemicals have to be delivered to the process equipment in the quantities, mixtures and concentrations required. This requires accurate repeatability. We build all our delivery systems around your chemical drums. This includes single or double drums requirements.
  • Collection: Collection of hazardous chemicals takes place in a specially secured cabinet with containment and leak detection capabilities. Modutek’s systems are designed for use with Department of Transportation (DOT) approved drums for direct shipment for disposal.
  • Neutralization: This option is also available if chemical disposal becomes too expensive. Once chemical is neutralized properly chemicals can than drain directly to your main drain.

In addition to chemical handling equipment functionality, specific manufacturing applications may benefit from features that increase operational safety, reduce costs or improve manufacturing operations. For expensive chemicals, features that reduce chemical waste are important. Chemical handling equipment dealing with dangerous chemicals may have to include extra operator safety protections. Dangerous chemical waste is best neutralized next to the manufacturing process, but if that’s not possible, chemical collection systems can safely hold chemicals that will later be transported for off-site treatment. Chemical handling equipment often has to be customized to address the functions needed and make sure the required features are in place.

Modutek’s Line of Chemical Handling Equipment Can Meet Manufacturing Needs

Modutek can offer a complete line of chemical handling equipment that can customized for specific manufacturing needs. Modutek’s equipment line includes the following:

  • Acid neutralization systems. These compact systems add neutralizing chemicals to acid or alkaline waste. They feature low operating costs and either batch or continuous operation.
  • Chemical delivery systems. Chemicals are delivered to the process in exact quantities and at the right times. These systems reduce chemical waste and eliminate operator errors that cause spills.
  • Chemical lift stations. These stations pump chemicals directly from the process to the neutralization area. They can be incorporated into the process line and feature flow capacity adapted to process requirements.
  • Chemical collection systems. Chemicals are collected and stored locally near the process or remotely in large collection tanks. In the absence of neutralization, storage can be sized to process requirements and designed to permit transportation of the containers for off-site treatment.

Modutek’s chemical handling equipment is designed to ensure safe and precise handling of hazardous chemicals. Chemical use is lower due to reduced waste and workplace safety is increased. Neutralization and disposal of hazardous chemicals can be carried out in accordance with regulations and can be documented to demonstrate compliance. Modutek can offer solutions for the chemical handling needs of varied manufacturing operations and the company’s experience in the field and its in-house expertise lets it customize the equipment exactly as needed. Contact Modutek for a free consultation or quote on equipment for your specific manufacturing requirements.

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