
Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

Chemical Delivery: Balancing Safety and Efficiency


In the semiconductor manufacturing industry, where precision and efficiency are paramount, maintaining a balance between safety and efficiency is not just a goal, but an essential requirement. Chemical delivery systems, crucial to this field, necessitate a stringent focus on safety without compromising efficiency. This challenge calls for solutions that integrate state-of-the-art equipment with robust safety […]

Why it’s Important to Buy from a Wet Bench Manufacturer with In-House Expertise


Selecting a wet bench manufacturer with in-house expertise is essential for numerous reasons, ensuring high-quality products while significantly impacting the efficiency, safety, and success of semiconductor manufacturing processes. Here are several key reasons why in-house expertise should be prioritized: Custom Solutions: Tailored designs and adjustments to meet specific process requirements that enhance operational efficiency. Quality […]

10 Quick Tips on Selecting Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment

Making the Right Choice: Comparing Automated and Semi-Automated Wet Bench Systems

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in August 2014 and has been updated with new information and reposted in October 2023. Facility and process management in the semiconductor industry requires meticulous attention to detail. Here we offer tips that encompass decades of Modutek’s experience, catering to technology professionals, including process engineers, facility managers, and […]

How the Ozone Cleaning Process Supports Green Technology


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in July 2015 and has been updated with new information and reposted in Sep 2023. With rising environmental consciousness, industries are reevaluating traditional manufacturing methods with adverse ecological impacts. Semiconductor manufacturers who rely heavily on chemical solvents and acids for cleaning face both environmental and safety concerns. However, […]

How to Develop a Requirements List When Buying Wet Bench Equipment


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in March 2015 and has been updated with new information and reposted in August 2023. Wet bench equipment is an integral component that semiconductor manufacturing and research industries need. From cleaning, etching, stripping, developing, and testing new processes, it plays a vital role in these fields. The range […]

Using RCA Clean in a Wet Bench Process


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in May 2015 and has been updated with new information and re-posted in August 2023. The semiconductor manufacturing industry relies heavily on complex and precise processes to create electronic components we rely on every day. One such process is wafer cleaning – an essential step that removes unwanted […]

Silicon Wafer Etching Processes for Wet Processing Applications


Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in September 2016 and has been updated with additional information and reposted in June 2023. The production of semiconductor components relies on the etching of silicon wafers using various processes like KOH etching to create the necessary structures and connections. To meet etching requirements, Modutek offers cutting-edge wet […]

How Stainless-Steel Stations Provide Safe Solvent Processing


Solvents used in semiconductor manufacturing can remove oils and organic contaminants from silicon wafers in preparation for further processing steps. Acetone, isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and ethylene diproxitol (EDP) are solvents commonly used to clean wafers, remove photoresists, and in pattern transfers for the creation of microscopic structures on the wafer. The solvents are inflammable and […]

How Teflon Tanks Improve the KOH Etching Process


Etching silicon wafers with potassium hydroxide (KOH) is a popular process for semiconductor manufacturing because it is relatively safe compared to other etching methods and because it features good control of the etch rate. When carried out in Teflon tanks, contamination is reduced and the etch rate can be controlled. A key factor for successful […]

How Process Controls Are Improved with Automated Wet Bench Equipment


When semiconductor manufacturing is automated, tight process control can improve overall facility performance. An optimized manufacturing process can reduce consumption of consumables and production results are more uniform. Once a batch has run successfully, an automated process ensures that it will run the same way for subsequent batches. With good design, automation reduces silicon wafer […]