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How the Ozone Cleaning Process Supports Green Technology



Making the Right Choice Comparing Automated and Semi-Automated Wet Bench SystemsEditor’s Note: This article was originally published in July 2015 and has been updated with new information and reposted in Sep 2023.

With rising environmental consciousness, industries are reevaluating traditional manufacturing methods with adverse ecological impacts. Semiconductor manufacturers who rely heavily on chemical solvents and acids for cleaning face both environmental and safety concerns. However, innovations like Modutek’s innovative ozone-cleaning process provide greener and more cost-efficient alternatives.

The Drawbacks of Traditional Chemical Cleaning

Semiconductor manufacturing requires a high degree of precision and consistency. Chemical solvents have played a pivotal role in achieving these results for decades. However, this reliance on chemicals poses significant challenges. The majority of semiconductor manufacturing processes involve the use of chemical acids and solvents. These chemicals are used to clean the silicon wafers, ensuring they’re free from impurities, which is necessary to develop semiconductor devices. Though effective, these chemical processes introduce several complications, both from an environmental and operational perspective.

Environmental Implications of Chemical Use

One of the primary concerns when using chemicals is disposal. After being used, chemical acids and solvents must be carefully treated using either an acid neutralization system at the manufacturing facility or kept in chemical collection containers for transport to a chemical service facility to ensure they don’t harm the environment. These chemicals can’t simply be disposed of by pouring them down the drain. They need to be processed according to stringent environmental regulations. This imposes a heavy operational burden on semiconductor manufacturers and poses a risk to the environment if improperly handled.

Risks of Handling, Storing, and Disposing of Chemicals

Chemical solvents come with inherent risks when stored improperly – from spills and reactions to injuries from handling. Specialized training and equipment must be used, and workers must wear protective gear to avoid chemical burns or inhalation of toxic fumes. Likewise, disposing of these hazardous substances often requires partnerships with specialized service providers that treat and neutralize them, adding an additional step of complexity and expense. While chemical solvents have been invaluable to semiconductor manufacturing, they have significant drawbacks. As industries and consumers increasingly shift towards greener solutions, the need for better alternatives becomes clear. The ozone-cleaning process Modutek provides a solution to these challenges that semiconductor manufacturers can use.

Overview of the Ozone Cleaning Process

With mounting environmental challenges and the complications of traditional chemicals, the ozone-cleaning process offers a solution. Developed with precision and an emphasis on reducing chemicals to promote environmental sustainability, it represents a radical departure from conventional semiconductor manufacturing methods.

Ozone Cleaning Method and its Benefits

Ozone, composed of three oxygen atoms, is an effective oxidizing agent. When applied in cleaning applications, ozone effectively breaks down organic and inorganic contaminants on silicon wafer surfaces. Unlike chemical solvents, ozone returns to its original state, oxygen, after reacting with impurities. This means it leaves no harmful residues behind, ensuring an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient cleaning process. Essentially, this method cleans without the environmental impact and costs associated with the traditional use of chemical acids and solvents.

How Modutek Devised its Process to Offset the Limitations Associated with Chemical Cleaning

Modutek’s approach to Ozone cleaning was created with two primary goals: reducing contamination and cutting costs. By eliminating the use of cleaning chemicals, the process inherently minimizes the potential for chemical-based contamination risks while decreasing operational costs significantly. Modutek has developed equipment specifically tailored for the ozone-cleaning process to reduce or eliminate acid and solvent cleaner use – promoting its commitment to quality and sustainability.

Equipment’s Role in Reducing or Eliminating Cleaning Chemicals

Equipment Plays a Pivotal Role in the Ozone-Cleaning Process

Modutek’s Ozone cleaning equipment and systems ensure the effective delivery of ozone directly onto wafers, optimizing and guaranteeing consistency throughout. By opting for equipment designed to operate efficiently at room temperature, the Ozone cleaning process avoids the need for temperature-altering chemicals, further reducing the process’s environmental impact. This means cleaner semiconductor products while simultaneously decreasing the consumption of harmful solvents and acids and their disposal costs.

Advantages of the Ozone Cleaning Process

Switching from traditional chemical solvents to the ozone-cleaning method doesn’t simply represent an aesthetic change; it also brings numerous tangible advantages that position Ozone-cleaning as a game-changer in the semiconductor industry.

Environmental and Purity Benefits:

  • Chemical-free process leading to less contamination: Utilizing Ozone as an Oxidizing Agent enables this process to forgo harmful chemical residues and drastically decrease contamination risks while creating a cleaner product.
  • Operates at ambient temperature: Traditional processes often rely on temperature-altering chemicals to achieve their intended results. The Ozone cleaning process, in contrast, operates efficiently at room temperature, bypassing such chemical dependency and further minimizing environmental impact.
  • Reduced acid and solvent Use and benefits to the final product: With an ozone-based approach, acid and solvent use decreases significantly. This leads to a reduced environmental footprint and ensures that the final semiconductor product has the highest purity, free from residual chemical contaminants.

Safety Aspects

  • Dangers of chemicals in traditional processes: Traditional cleaning processes come with inherent risks -such as chemical exposure, spillage concerns, and the potential for accidents due to chemical reactions.
  • Ozone Process Reduces These Risks: Ozone cleaning reduces these risks by eliminating acids and solvents. Employees no longer need to handle or be exposed to dangerous chemicals, creating a safer work environment.
  • Benefits for employees and customers due to reduced chemical usage: Reducing chemical use means creating a safer working environment while creating purer end products for end-users. The risks of chemical residues remaining on the final product are eliminated, ensuring that employees in the manufacturing process and the end-users of semiconductors are safeguarded from potential chemical hazards.


  • Reduction in chemical investment: Companies can significantly cut down on expenditures related to purchasing, storing, and disposing of chemical solvents, translating to considerable savings.
  • Optimizing operations: With the Ozone cleaning process, delays caused by chemical supply issues can be reduced significantly and inventory costs lowered as there’s no need to stockpile large amounts of chemicals.
  • Savings from reduced cleanup and hazardous waste disposal: Without chemical residues, cleanup becomes more straightforward, and the costs related to hazardous waste disposal decrease significantly.
  • Training and safety cost benefits: A safer working environment means reduced expenses associated with safety training and personal protective gear. Since the process has fewer risks, companies can expect to see their training costs decrease accordingly.

Modutek’s Ozone Cleaning Process goes beyond environmental responsibility – it also promotes improved safety, purity, and cost-efficiency in semiconductor manufacturing.


In today’s rapidly evolving and environmentally conscious world, the semiconductor industry must embrace more environmentally friendly practices. Traditional chemical acids and solvents may be effective but have serious environmental and safety challenges.

The ozone cleaning process provides an effective revolutionary step forward, minimizing environmental impacts while increasing safety and delivering a more cost-effective solution.  Modutek continues to provide new effective solutions to promote a more cost-effective and sustainable future in semiconductor manufacturing. Contact Modutek for a free consultation to discuss how the ozone-cleaning process can be implemented to support your manufacturing processes.

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