Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

Custom Fabrication Services for Unique Wafer Processing Requirements



When research labs or semiconductor manufacturing facilities face special requirements for projects or for prototypes, they may need custom equipment to carry out their plans. Special tanks, stations or carriers may be required to make a particular semiconductor product. Modutek specializes in custom design and development and can meet all the customization needs of their customers. The company can produce special components, systems or processes as required and has certified fabricators for welding and plumbing to carry out the work.

Typical Applications

When new products are developed, single items are manufactured or prototypes are required for testing, existing wafer processing equipment may not be suitable for the job. Even when semiconductors are manufactured on a continuing basis, suppliers may change and the regulatory environment may impose additional requirements or change existing ones. In such cases, a custom solution to retrofit equipment, add new components or change parts may be the most appropriate and cost effective solution.

Semiconductor manufacturing facilities may want to implement customization in the absence of external changes. New technologies often make processes more efficient, less costly or they may result in higher quality output. Making minor changes in a process can speed up production and increase throughput. Tweaking the manufacturing process with customized components can result in better facility performance and can improve profitability.

Typical Customizations

While Modutek can accommodate all kinds of customer requests for special applications, there are many typical examples of changes required in existing equipment to let semiconductor manufacturers adapt their productions lines to current requirements. Modutek can examine the issues that make changes necessary and advise customers of the various possibilities that will satisfy their needs.

If a process has to be changed to allow implementation of a different sequence of fabrication steps, baths may have to be changed from static to re-circulating, heating may have to be added or the chemical delivery system may have to be changed. On the other hand, the main equipment may still be suitable but the monitoring system may have to be adapted, different sensors added and the software re-written.

Fully automated or semi-automated stations are very flexible but may have to be upgraded for new processes or new equipment may have to be integrated into the production line. Additional surface treatments, stress relief, thinning or texturing may be needed. Enhanced environmental regulations may require new treatment of waste and new safety standards may mean additional safety equipment.

When the process, regulations, outside requirements or raw material inputs change, customization of existing production lines to satisfy the new requirements is often the best and least expensive option. When deciding on how to proceed, it is important to have a partner who has experience and the required capabilities to explore all the options and present their advantages and disadvantages.

Modutek Can Help

With over 35 years of experience in wet bench technology, Modutek can advise customers what solutions are most appropriate for their needs and what level of customization is required. Modutek can draw on the company’s complete line of wafer processing equipment for semiconductor fabrication, but because all the equipment is designed and built in house, Modutek is also ideally situated to deliver custom solutions.

Modutek engineers have the experience and expertise to design and build customized equipment from the ground up. As a result, they know exactly what works best and how existing equipment can be modified. When it comes to software, Modutek developed its own SolidWorks simulation application and the company designs and writes all automation software for its fully automated and semi-automated stations. On both the hardware and software side, Modutek can help with custom solutions to meet any specialized requirements.

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