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How Chemical Delivery Systems Are Designed to Meet Customer Requirements



how-chemical-delivery-systems-are-designed-to-meet-customer-requirements2Many industrial activities require the supply of a variety of chemicals for their manufacturing or production processes. Because the industrial process may include special procedures and the use of specific chemicals, chemical delivery systems often have to be custom-designed to exactly meet the needs of a facility. Typical custom requirements deal with the quantities of chemicals required, how often chemicals have to be changed, how accurate the delivery or the mix has to be and the repeatability of a specific process. Safe handling is an important issue when the chemicals delivered are hazardous, as is safe neutralization and safe disposal. Customized systems can address each of these issues and ensure that the critical requirements are satisfied while leaving out unimportant features for a cost-effective solution.

Delivery Volumes

The quantities of chemicals used greatly impacts the design of the chemical delivery system. Large totes remote from the process can continuously deliver large volumes over extended periods while local drums and tanks can deliver smaller volumes but can be changed when the process requires a different chemical or when a new production process is started. In each case, load or level sensing has to be available so production personnel can plan the required chemical delivery. Software allows operating personnel to predict flows and requirements so adequate supplies are available.

Precision and Repeatability

Different industrial processes have different requirements for precision. For example, research projects often have to record exactly what chemicals were used and their precise quantity. Some semiconductor manufacturing processes also require high precision but others don’t. Precision is linked to repeatability. If a process has to run exactly the same way each time, the level of precision for chemical delivery has to be the same for each run.

Custom design can guarantee that the levels of precision and repeatability required for a process can be achieved, but such features are expensive. Customization means critical requirements are met but if high precision is not required, costs are reduced to cover what is essential for the process.

Safe Handling and Disposal

Customization is especially important for safety because each chemical has its own hazards and each process presents different dangers. Customized chemical delivery systems provide an additional level of safety to employees in the handling the chemicals and operating the delivery systems for specialized applications. Custom designs look at measures such as double-walled containment, corrosion-resistant fluid paths and leak detection for safe handling. Neutralization and disposal requires a customized approach due to the different ways chemicals are used but also because of the different regulations for safe chemical disposal.

Custom Chemical Delivery Solutions from Modutek

Modutek has the experience, the product line and the customization capabilities to satisfy specific customer needs and deliver high-quality, reliable and safe chemical delivery systems. The company designs and assembles all systems in house at their factory in San Jose, California. Because of the presence of in-house expertise for all important subsystems including the chemical delivery software, Modutek can respond exactly to the customization requirements of each manufacturing or production facility and deliver custom solutions that respond to customer needs.

From tote, drum and tank storage possibilities through systems with high precision capabilities, Modutek can deliver the storage and repeatability features needed. The SolidWorks Simulation Professional and SolidWorks Flow Simulation software lets customers calculate precise mix and flow volumes. All chemical delivery systems are characterized by high levels of operator safety and special regulatory requirements for the disposal of toxic chemicals can be incorporated into the custom design as needed. With Modutek’s chemical delivery system designs, customers can be sure they are getting the systems they need. For a free quote or consultation contact Modutek at 866-803-1533 or email Modutek@Modutek.com.

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