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Using the Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process to Improve Wafer Yields



Using the Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process to Improve Wafer YieldsTwo key goals for semiconductor manufacturers are to increase process yields and to reduce chemical usage. Wet process semiconductor manufacturing is sensitive to wafer contamination by microscopic particles that increase final product rejection rates and reduce output quality. The ozone cleaning process can reduce particle counts and improve wafer yields by reducing the number of defective products. At the same time, cleaning organic contaminants from the wafer with ozone reduces the use of expensive and toxic chemicals. Modutek’s Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process allows semiconductor manufacturing facilities to increase throughput and output quality while reducing operating costs.

How Advanced Ozone Cleaning Improves Wet Process Line Performance

Modutek’s Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process uses ozone to remove organic contaminants from the surfaces of silicon wafers during wet bench processing. Ozone is used with either room temperature acidic acid or chilled DI water to clean wafers without aggressive chemicals. In addition to saving money due to reduced use of chemicals, ozone cleaning takes less space and is faster than many chemical-based wet bench processes.

Ozone cleaning takes place in Modutek’s DryZone System. Modutek has developed the Coldstrip sub ambient process and the Organostrip process that operates at room temperature. Both ozone cleaning processes deliver reduced particle counts and increased yields.

The Coldstrip process operates at four to ten degrees centigrade and introduces ozone into the ozone chamber after the wafers have been rinsed with de-ionized water. The rinsing removes non-organic contamination while the ozone combines with the carbon of the organic contaminants to produce carbon dioxide. After completion of the Coldstrip process, the wafers are clean and almost particle-free.

In the Organostrip process, the wafers are rinsed with acidic acid containing ozone. The acidic acid used has extremely high ozone solubility and the high ozone level producing produces rapid decomposition and oxidation. The ambient temperature process eliminates the use of toxic chemicals and the process waste products are harmless.

The Modutek Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process Improves Performance While Saving Money

Modutek developed the Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process to achieve low particle counts and to reduce the use of harmful chemicals. Reduced particle counts are needed for the more compact architecture of modern semiconductors where a single particle can cause defects or lower component quality. Reduced use of chemicals is mandated by increasingly strict environmental regulations while chemical purchase, storage and disposal costs continue to rise. The patented Modutek Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process successfully addresses these issues.

Specific benefits from using the ozone cleaning process include the following:

  • Better wafer yields due to lower particle count
  • Savings from reduced use of chemicals
  • Compatibility with metal films
  • Safer work environment due to absence of toxic substances
  • More environmentally friendly operations
  • Space saving due to more compact equipment
  • No toxic waste disposal issues

Modutek’s Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process increases throughput due to shorter cleaning times and higher yields while cost savings due to reduced use of chemicals are substantial. Semiconductor manufacturers can improve the overall performance of their facility by incorporating Modutek’s DryZone cleaning stations in their wet process lines.

Modutek Can Help Customers with Innovative Solutions

The Advanced Ozone Cleaning Process is one example of Modutek’s initiatives to improve the performance of wet process technology stations and help customers address common problems. The patented process solves issues with current semiconductor manufacturing and helps customers with product quality and with their bottom line.

With Modutek’s emphasis on customer service and on working with customers to improve wet process technology, the company continues to be a leader among semiconductor equipment manufacturers. Customers can rely on Modutek to supply the equipment they need and to provide the support ensuring the equipment meets or exceeds performance expectations.

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