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Why Preventative Maintenance of Wet Bench Equipment is Important



Why Preventative Maintenance of Wet Bench Equipment is ImportantTimely preventive maintenance of wet bench equipment allows semiconductor manufacturers to avoid costly unexpected downtime due to equipment failure and quality issues. Wet bench equipment is complex and is typically used in a demanding manufacturing environment. Calibration, cleaning and replacement of parts that wear out has to be performed regularly to maintain facility performance and output quality. Once scheduled, preventive maintenance has to be carried out quickly and professionally, completing the required tasks on time and using personnel with the required expertise. If the necessary preventive maintenance is not completed or is not done correctly, poor quality products, equipment damage and compromised worker safety can result.

Scheduling Preventive Maintenance

Wet bench stations operate with corrosive chemicals while at the same time relying on the highest standards of cleanliness and control of contamination. Chemical dosages and control of variables such as temperature are critical for a successful production line. Some components have to be changed, cleaned or serviced regularly while others have to be inspected to see if any action is required.

The semiconductor manufacturing equipment supplier will often specify what preventive maintenance measures are required and which ones are recommended. Some tasks can be carried out by the semiconductor manufacturer’s personnel, but others will often require specialists from the supplier. Developing an overall schedule that limits downtime for the production line to a minimum while ensuring that all preventive maintenance tasks are scheduled and carried out can be challenging.

Carrying Out Preventive Maintenance

Depending on the details of the semiconductor manufacturing operation, some preventive maintenance tasks can be performed while the line is in operation. For some lines, production steps are sequential so that a particular piece of equipment may be at rest for a given period. Preventive maintenance can then be carried out on that equipment.

Other parts of the production line may be in more or less continuous use for periods exceeding the recommended preventive maintenance interval. In such cases the required downtime has to be factored into the production schedule with reduced throughput. When all these factors are taken into account, it becomes clear that preventive maintenance for wet bench equipment may have to be flexible and reactive to manufacturing requirements rather than based on a fixed schedule.

Coordinating with a Competent Supplier

Developing an ongoing wet bench preventive maintenance program is easiest when partnering with a supplier who is familiar with the installation and who can handle all preventive maintenance tasks, even if the stations are highly customized. Such a supplier can help the semiconductor manufacturer develop and adapt a suitable schedule and help complete the work. The supplier can offer to carry out those tasks that specialists can perform quickly and competently while giving instructions for on-site semiconductor manufacturing personnel to complete simple tasks and inspections. Such an approach is ideal from the facility owner’s point of view.

Modutek can offer this type of field service and customer support because it has in house expertise based on almost 40 years of experience in the wet processing technology field. Scheduling and carrying out preventive maintenance on wet bench stations while keeping disruptions to production at a minimum requires such experienced personnel.

In addition to highly qualified specialists, Modutek designs and builds all its own wet bench stations at its manufacturing facility in San Jose. As a result, it can offer first-hand service, repair, and upgrade support without having to call on third parties. Working with a competent partner such as Modutek helps customers carry out the necessary preventive maintenance that keeps their equipment functioning at an optimum level while reducing downtime and avoiding compromised product quality.

Reviewed and Approved by Douglas Wagner
President & CEO, Modutek Corporation


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