Wet Bench Manufacturer | Wet Process Equipment | Modutek

Wet Processing Application Capabilities Provided by Modutek



Modutek provides a complete line of wet processing equipment to semiconductor manufacturing plants and research facilities. The company’s wet process stations support all common cleaning and etching applications. Modutek works with customers to continuously improve wet processing performance and reduce contamination and particle counts to a minimum. Wet process applications supported by Modutek equipment include the following:

Standard Clean 1 (SC1 Clean)

The SC1 Clean process uses a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide in water to remove organic material and other non-metallic contaminants from the surface of the silicon wafer. Additional cleaning steps are required if metallic particles have to be removed.

RCA Clean

RCA Clean is a two-step process in which the first step, immersing the silicon wafer in a mixture of ammonium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, is similar to SC1 Clean. The second step bathes the silicon wafer in a mixture of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide. This step removes metallic contamination and particles from the wafer surface, leaving it ready for further process steps.

SPM Process Clean

SPM Clean stands for cleaning with a sulfuric peroxide mixture and the method bathes silicon wafers in a solution of sulfuric acid and hydrogen peroxide. This is also known as Piranha Clean and it removes heavy organic material contamination such as photoresist from the surface of the silicon wafer.

KOH Etch

KOH etching uses a potassium hydroxide solution for anisotropic etching of the silicon wafer. The process is safe and reliable and produces precise etching that can be controlled by varying the KOH concentration and the temperature. KOH etch is one of the most common etching applications.

Nitride Etch

Silicon nitride masks are etched with phosphoric acid to create highly selective etch masks where silicon dioxide masks can’t be used. While silicon dioxide masks resist etching with KOH, for example, sometimes long etching times mean that the etching selectivity versus silicon may not be enough and silicon nitride masks are used instead.

Aluminum Etch

Aluminum layers are deposited on silicon wafers to create conducting paths between the semiconductor components on the wafer. The aluminum layers have to be etched so that only the desired conducting paths are left. Etching is performed under vacuum using a variety of etchants, including phosphoric and nitric acids. The vacuum eliminates the hydrogen bubbles created in a chemical reaction with the etchants.

How Modutek Supports These Wet Processing Applications

A complete line of wet process equipment has to include chemical handling systems, stations that can support the different cleaning and processing methods and automation where needed. Modutek has chemical delivery, pumping and neutralization systems; different types of baths, tanks and rinsers; as well as fume hoods, scrubbers and dryers. The company can advise customers on the different options for a wet process line and deliver suitable equipment.

For chemical handling, Modutek can offer chemical delivery systems, pumps carts, lift stations and chemical collection systems. The systems include bulk storage or local storage container options and, once collected, the chemicals can be neutralized.

Processing and cleaning station options include quartz baths and Teflon tanks. Rotary wafer etching systems are available as are vacuum metal etchers and stainless steel solvent stations. Baths can be sub-ambient, ambient or temperature controlled. Stations can be manual, semi-automatic or fully automated. In each case, controls and automation deliver a precise and reliable setting of variables and excellent repeatability of process steps.

Modutek’s extensive experience in developing wet processing equipment and on-going efforts to develop advanced process systems provide customers with superior performance with lower cost of ownership. For a free quote or consultation on selecting the right equipment for your manufacturing process contact Modutek at 866-803-1533.


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